sensR 26-27
- formatting coefficient table and p-values from print.summary.betabin
with printCoefmat and format.pval.
- updating the description of the data argument to the twoAC
- printing coef table in print.twoAC with more reasonable no. digits.
- printing coef table in print.summary.samediff with printCoefmat.
- moving vignettes to vignette subdirectory.
- considerable improvements to the triangle family object using the
non-central F distribution for the inverse link function.
- introducing links.R file in tests subdirectory currently only
testing the triangle link.
- introducing files for examples and tests.
- profile.discrim now returns a data.frame in which only finite values are kept.
- major update of the threeAFC link function: it now gives reasonable
answers in boundary cases (linkinv, linkfun and mu.eta).
February 6. 2012: version 1.2.16:
- triangle()$mu.eta() now using a direct expression rather than
- major update of duotrio and twoAFC family objects; they now work in
boundary cases and use effecient computations.
June 7. 2012: version 1.2-17:
- tetrad() family object uncluded.
- Full support for tetrad tests in discrim, d.primePwr, d.primeSS,
discrimSim, rescale, psyfun, psyinv, psyderiv, betabin.
October 30. 2012: version 1.2-18:
- power functions singled out in R/power.R
- minor adjustments to print.discrim
March 15. 2013: version 1.2-19:
- Major update of power and sample size computations for the binomial
methods. Now stable exact sample sizes and continuity adjusted
normal approximate sample sizes are provided.
- print.discrim now says that the p-value is one-sided and that the
confidence interval is two-sided.
July 24. 2013: version 1.2-20:
- Documentation bug reported by Mike Allerhand (2013-07-09) in SDT
September 5. 2013: version 1.2-22:
- Adding support for ANOVA-type tests of d-primes using the functions
dprime_compare, dprime_test, dprime_table and
September 10. 2013:
- updating various man-pages with 'tetrad' information and links.
October 1. 2013:
- Removing calls to '::' and ':::' in R codebase.
- Moving 'ordinal' from Depends to Suggests, 'numDeriv' from Depends
to Imports, 'MASS' from Suggests to Imports.
- Adding ByteCompile: yes to Description file.
- Now using import(MASS) to fetch the confint.glm method from MASS and
adding test for confing.anota to check that the right confint method
is actually used.
- Deprecating function 'clls'.
- Using if(require(ordinal)) in examples, tests and vignettes where
- Adding 'ordinal' to vignetteDepends for the twoACexamples vignette.
- Adding \dontshow{} tests to examples in .Rd files rather than having
an file in ./tests/Examples to avoid problems with
minor numerical differences across platforms and architectures.
October 20. 2013:
- Ensuring that the package will work under R-2.15.3 (and older?) by
modifying tests in discrimSim.Rd and ./inst/tests/test-links.R.
May 7th 2014 (version 1.4-0):
- Implementing support for the Degree-of-Difference method: dod,
dod_fit, dodSim, dodPwr, dodControl, optimal_tau.
June 25th 2014 (version 1.4-1):
- Allowing negative d-primes in AUC.default (reported by Andreas
Melzer June 25th 2014)
July 8th 2014 (version 1.4-1)
- Correcting formulae for beta-binomial and chance-corrected
beta-binomial models in documentation (Thanks to Peter Nowee for
- Adding d.prime0 (value of d-prime under the null hypothesis) as an
argument to discrim.
December 23rd 2014 (version 1.4-4)
- Coercing package title to title-case.
- Editing dodPwr() example to reduce computation time
January 21st 2015 (version 1.4-5)
- Updating Citation information per CRAN request.
March 2nd 2015 (version 1.4-6)
- Changing package maintainer from Rune H B Christensen to Per B
July 16th 2015 (version 1.4-6)
- submition to CRAN
- cosmetic changes in NAMESPACE file:
fixing warnings: no visible global function definition
- in descrim.R and discrimR.R changed probit to "probit" in order to fix NOTES
issues in CRAN check
March 14th 2016 (version 1.4-7)
- cosmetic changes in test-disrim_pd0.R due to new version of
testthat package
August 24 2017 (version 1.5-0)
- new submission to CRAN with a number of additions
- new link functions 'twofive' (two out of five), 'twofiveF' (two out
of five with forgiveness), and the 'hexad' have been implemented by
Karolina Stachlewska.
- the so-called double methods have been implemented (initially) by
Sophie Birot and ported to current sensR by Rune Christensen.
April 25 2018 (version 1.5-1)
- Adjust tests of dod: lower numerical tolerance and remove tests of warnings
that do not happen on all systems.
- Adding Url and BugReports fields to Description (
February 10 2020 (version 1.5-2)
- Adjust uses of "class(object) == 'value'" to use inherits instead
October 2023 (version 1.5-3)
- Fix incorrect usage of 'all.equal' in examples
sensR 1.0.0 (2008-07-19)
Oct. 9. 2009
- betabin has been completely rewritten with option to choose the
chance corrected beta-binomial model as well as the ordinary
beta-binomial model.
- discrim, discrimPwr, discrimSS and findcr have been updated to allow
for difference as well as similarity tests and have grown an
argument 'pd0 = 0' to indicate the proportion of discriminators in
the population. All help pages have been updated.
- references updated in help files to published same-diff paper and
in-press GLIM paper
June 17. 2010: version 1.2.0
- the twoAC() function and its print method is introduced for
estimation of d-prime and tau in the 2-AC protocol
- the clls function and its methods are no longer supported.
The user is adviced to use clm() from package ordinal instead.
July 20. 2010: version 1.2.1
- the following methods for twoAC objects are now available: confint,
profile, confint.profile and plot.profile.
October 13. 2010: version 1.2.2
- rescale function and additional auxiliary (psyfun, psyinv, psyderiv,
pc2pd, pd2pc) functions included
- major revision of betabin: argument Pguess has been removed and the
method argument is now the sensory discrimination protocol rather
than the parameterization of the beta-binomial model. The summary
method has gained the argument level instead of alpha. The results
of the summary method are much more extensive with results in terms
of Pc, Pd and d-prime.
- revision of findcr function. It is now faster and more reliable
since it is using uniroot rather than a simple while loop and an
explicit test that the return value is in fact the critical value is
- Error in discrimSim for the threeAFC method corrected.
October 28. 2010: version 1.2.3
- major revision of discrim, discrimPwr and discrimSS including
confint.discrim, profile.discrim, print.discrim and
November 25. 2010: version 1.2.4
- Vignette 'Methodology' describes the statistical methodology of
sensory discrimination tests.
- Added the convenience functions d.primePwr and d.primeSS.
November 26. 2010: version 1.2.5
- print.anota is fixed.
- confint.anota and plot.anota functions added and documented in the
AnotA help file. Examples added to help page.
December 9. 2010: version 1.2.6
- corrections made to Statistical Methodology vignette.
March 3. 2011: version 1.2.7
- major update of twoAC implementation
- added exact power computations for the 2-AC protocol in function
March 8. 2011: version 1.2.8
- added clm2twoAC function for extracting 2-AC parameters etc. from
cumulative link models (clm[m]s from package ordinal)
- including "Examples for 2-AC paper" as vignette
April 8. 2011: version 1.2.9
- correcting t and f as logicals in sweave vignettes to TRUE and FALSE
(mail from Brian Ripley 11-04-08)
May 10. 2011: version 1.2.10
- completing partially matched arguments.
August 12. 2011: version 1.2.11
- updating clm2twoAC() to accomodate change to ordinal::clm
August 19. 2011: version 1.2.12
- interchanging the second and third arguments of AUC.default
September 23. 2011: version 1.2.13
- bug in plot.discrim (mean separation of perceptual curves was wrong)
November 14. 2011: version 1.2.14
- completing partially matched argument lower -> lower.tail in pnorm.